Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Simply Saying Thank You

Okay people, I posted a blog a while back about simple acts of gratitude and unfortunately not very many people took it seriously. When are we going to learn to simply say "thank you" to people for whatever they may do for you?? I mean, it irritates me like you could never imagine to take the time to give someone some advice, directions, information, a phone number, or whatever the case may be, only to have them ignore me and not bother to say a simple thank you. You know what that makes me think? It makes me think that you think you're better than me and that it's my job to go out of my way to provide you with infomation that you could have very well looked up yourself. Got dammit! Come on people! Work with me here and say thank you! You're killing me. I'm trying my damnest to be nice and be a more positive person, but you're making me resort to either not answering you when you text me a question, lie and tell you I have no idea, or just do like you do and ignore you. I really don't want to resort to being an idiot like you, but if push comes to shove, I will lead by your example and just ignore you so I am not forced out of my positive element and into your negative one.

I'm just saying...

Once again, if you have to question who I may be talking about, chances are, it's you. So take a moment to reevaluate how you respond (or not respond) to someone who is going out of their way to do something nice for you, only to have you ignore their act of kindness and appear unappreciative.

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