Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Barack Obama!

I am more than happy to say congrats to Barack Obama for being the first African American President in the history of the United States!! I am also happy to be alive today, to witness this tremendous historic event. I feel so overjoyed for so many Americans, including myself.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Wino's Anonymous

My sister and I were recently told that we need to go to W. A. meetings (Wino's Anonymous) because we love wine so much. Well, we decided to admit to our problem and do something about it, so we currently have daily meetings at an undisclosed location to sample different wines that may not be good for us.

The main problem we have is other people having a problem with us drinking wine. We don't see anything wrong with this and surely don't think it's a problem because our main objective is to drink lots of wine in order to filter out the wines we don't like so we know what to give up when we attend our meetings. How else can we find out which wines are nasty if we don't taste them all?

So, if you love wine and feel you have a problem finding out which wines you need to stop drinking, join us for our Wino's Anonymous meetings for help. We promise to keep your addiction a secret and we will never, ever reveal which wines you dislike. We honor and respect our code of ethics.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Truce or Surrender?

When do you realize enough is enough and raise the white flag? Is that even an option? Do you continue to fight for what you believe in when you feel you're right, or do you just say to hell with it because you're tired of pleading your case and you just don't want to deal with that person any longer? Any of these questions sound familiar to you? Is this a truce or are you surrendering to the bullshit and throwing in the towel?

They sound all too familiar to me. I know most of you reading my blog might think "WOW, this idiot has a lot of drama in her life!", but that's not true. I USED to have a lot of drama in my life, but with growth and maturity, came weeding out the negativity while embracing all things positive.

Just today, I had someone (who shall remain nameless for now) email me and then call me a few hours later about the email where he or she thought I wasn't being very "friendly". I have three letters for statements like this...W T F??? Where is it written in stone that I have to be "friendly" to everyone I meet? I must have missed that portion of the handbook, so if you have a copy, by all means, please highlight that part and send me a copy.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Join me on Facebook...

Rochelle Scott's Facebook profile


Are you one to hold grudges? How long should you hold a grudge, if you hold one at all? What's the longest you've ever held a grudge?

I bet some of you could hold a record in the Guiness Book for holding a grudge. It's not healthy to hold anger inside like that and no one should hold a grudge against someone. It only makes you bitter and very negative. Back in the day, I used to be the queen of holding grudges and I could tell you the exact year, day and place when you pissed me off. Every grudge had a good reason and I remembered every single reason. Not only was I a grudge holder, I would take it upon myself to get revenge on those people. It wasn't until I grew up and got more mature that I realized it isn't my job to make someone pay for the evil acts they bestow upon others. No, that's not my job and it's not yours either. This year and moving forward in the future, everyone should take a vow to not hold grudges any longer.

When I went to my 10 year high school reunion, there were people there still mad from something that happened 10 or even 14 years prior. All I can say is it's a damn shame that people can be that petty after we've all grown up and are no longer teenagers. Holding grudges brings about hatred and life is too short to hold hatred in your heart for someone. A wise friend once made a comment about someone we know, saying "How is she going to try and sweep off my porch when her own porch is dusty and needs sweeping?" I loved it when she said it and I love it now. I can't wait to go to my 20 year reunion next year just to see if those same people, or even new ones, are still mad from something that happened over 20 years ago. I'll just shake my head and pray for them if they are...and you know who you are.

At any rate, if you think I'm still the same person I was when I was 17 or even 27, you're wrong. I've changed a great deal and I'm a much happier, forgiving, positive person, so if you are hesitant about speaking to me when you see me at the reunion, by all means don't be hesitant. I will embrace you with a big warm hug and we can celebrate what it is....a reunion!


Monday, January 5, 2009


It's 2009 and time for change. I have always been a stickler for change and don't adapt too well when things stay the same. So, one change I'm going to make for this year is to call my pet peeves splinters because they get under my skin just like a splinter.

To kick this year off, I have a splinter that is really deep under my skin and I can't seem to grasp, even with the most pointed pair of tweezers. That splinter is when I email someone and within that email, several questions are asked, only to have them respond back answering the very last question. Why do I have to number my questions in order to get a response to everything? I mean, this happens more often than not and it really aggravates me, so I'm putting it out there for those of you who do this. Now you know how much it irritates me and if you're reading this and don't know if you're one of those 99 out of 100 people, more than likely you are. It irritates me moreso when clients do it. How can you try to conduct business and ask your client a list of pertinent things regarding their design that they wanted yesterday, only to have them respond back with "Thanks!"?? WTH?? I asked you specific questions! That is not an answer!

Get it together for oh-nine people because we learned basics like this in elementary school. I guess most of you weren't paying attention.

Boss Lady

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Family Time in '09

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!! It's a brand new year and time for those dreadful resolutions that no one keeps past February.
My sis sent me a text last night with a great slogan that I told her I was going to steal for my blog. She said go ahead, so here it is...Family Time in Oh Nine! I loved it and from this day forward, this will be my slogan for 2009. I always choose a slogan or song as my theme for the year (a few years ago it was "No More Drama" by Mary J. Blige). This year, I plan to spend more time with my family (those I can tolerate more than 5 minutes) and just have fun. Less stress is always the best, so if I don't stress myself out by trying to be there for everyone else, I should be good. Since my family is so understanding (NOT! and you know who you are), I should be good for 364 more days of seeing them and not having them flake out on me for only visiting 5 minutes at a time. :)
What are your New Year's Resolutions for 2009?