When do you realize enough is enough and raise the white flag? Is that even an option? Do you continue to fight for what you believe in when you feel you're right, or do you just say to hell with it because you're tired of pleading your case and you just don't want to deal with that person any longer? Any of these questions sound familiar to you? Is this a truce or are you surrendering to the bullshit and throwing in the towel?
They sound all too familiar to me. I know most of you reading my blog might think "WOW, this idiot has a lot of drama in her life!", but that's not true. I USED to have a lot of drama in my life, but with growth and maturity, came weeding out the negativity while embracing all things positive.
Just today, I had someone (who shall remain nameless for now) email me and then call me a few hours later about the email where he or she thought I wasn't being very "friendly". I have three letters for statements like this...W T F??? Where is it written in stone that I have to be "friendly" to everyone I meet? I must have missed that portion of the handbook, so if you have a copy, by all means, please highlight that part and send me a copy.
1 comment:
You gonna be ignant your whole life, ain't you? lololol
Growing and learning are wonderful things. Weeding out is even better. As God continues to reveal things to me, I feel stronger, bigger, and totally in His safe keeping.
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