Does this mean I can't stand myself? Perhaps. Perhaps not. You be the judge.
Let me tell you why I say I can't stand lazy people. I was driving down the street the other day when I came upon someone asking for money. Now, I consider myself a Christian and all, but it's something about some of these people with creases in their signs that make me mad and roll my window up. Not everyone is honest and I have to keep telling myself do not go broke by giving these people your money. Anyway, I approached the stoplight when I noticed this guy sitting on the curb with his "Please help me" sign. My thoughts immediately went back to 1995 (yes I remember the year) when my dad told me to pay close attention to those "homeless" people at the stoplights begging for money. He said to pay closely attention to their signs and notice there is always a crease in them. Then he proceeded to tell me that the crease is there so they can hurry and fold it up and tuck it in their jacket when they see the police coming because it's against the law in Houston to stand out there and beg for money. He also told me to look to my immediate right, right after I see one of these fraud people because there will most likely be a car that has a "for sale" sign on it or appear to be broken down. When I looked to the right, that bright morning in 1995, there was a car there and my dad said "That's that fool's car! How much you want a bet he will fold up his sign and limp across the street late at night and get in that car to drive home to his wife, mansion and porsche?"

At the time I laughed because I was still naive and loved my dads stories, but now I realize how true that is and how accurate he was. Thanks daddy, for tipping me to the lazy people who don't want to get a real job and sit on the corner to beg for my money. In case you want to come visit me, I'll be posted up on the corner of Smith street and Webster in downtown Houston, aka, Spec's Liquor Store. There are plenty of people with money who frequent that store and I'm sure I can wink my eye, flash my smile and get a few extra dollars a month. At any rate, my point is, there are too many lazy ass people in this world begging for other people's money when they should be out there looking for a way to make their own. Before I end this post, let me tell you about one time my youngest brother and I went to a corner store in our old neighborhood. We drove into the lot, got out of the car and was approached by a drunk guy asking for money. I can't remember how much he asked us for, but before he could finish asking, my brother said "You know what?? I was JUST about to ask you for some money." and kept walking into the store. LOL!! I died laughing once I got inside and realized what my brother had said. When we got back outside, the guy tried to shake my brother's hand and tell him that he got him good. He was laughing. Now what does that tell you? Did he really need that money or was he just trying to hustle a couple of young people making a stop at the corner store? Now I know why my dad called them "Stop 'n Rob's" instead of "Corner Stores".
blahahahahahahahhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! i love it... i asked a homeless lady begging for money in Colorado for money. She asked for a dolla and i asked for 75cent... she cussed at me and walked off...LAZY!!!! ps..have u been hitting the
I'm torn on the issue because I do want to help people. I know that some have no choice and then there are others who are fobos (fake hobos). To me, its like tithing in church, you give whatever your heart desires or you don't give. In the end, if the person is a false prophet or a fake hobo, they have to answer to God. Said all that to say, sometimes I give and sometimes I don't.
I do believe what your dad said but I know it doesn't apply to everyone...prolly 60/40. You decide which side is positive and which side is negative. lol
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