Sunday, December 7, 2008

Even More Pet Peeves...

Pet Peeve #10...You text or email someone to explain why you couldn't make it to their birthday celebration because you were sick or whatever the reason was, only to have them not respond. This really irritates the crap out of me because no one is really owed an explanation as to why you couldn't make it somewhere, but because it is rude to not respond at all, I make an effort to let that person know I didn't just blow them off. Aside from that, it is a simple act of gratitude to reply back to that person and say "I understand" or "I hope you feel better". Not responding lets that other person see just how selfish and unappreciative you really are! Not to mention, the person who invited you to their party never, EVER shows up to support for your parties, yet you still make every effort to attend their functions. WTH???

I was raised by the golden unto others as you would have them do unto you. Well, I've lived by that rule, only to have some people piss on me, so from now on, I'm going to start doing unto others as they do to me. I'll feel much better in the morning.

P.S. If you are reading this and wondering if this is about you....chances are, it is and you should take a moment to realize just how selfish and unappreciative you really appear to others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lololol....please don't hurt 'em hammer! lol