Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Constructive Criticism

Are you honest with your friends? Do you tell them when they do something that gets on your last nerve, or do you just hold it in and vent to others about that person? I ask this question because of a recent conversation with a friend of mine. We discussed how some people can take constructive criticism while others cannot. The people who tend to not be able to accept criticism are often those to quickly point out your flaws, aren't they? That's what I've experienced most of my life. At any rate, I just wanted to put this out there because I know there are others who are either in the same position as me and can take the criticism as well as dish it or who are on the other side and can't take any type of criticism, regardless of who is giving it or what is said. Sad isn't it?

I'm not saying I'm perfect in any way, I'm just saying that things need to be said and if you are a true friend to that person, you need to let them know what it is that they do that may get on your nerves. If they are a true friend, they will respect you for your honesty. Try it and see what happens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I can think of a few people right off the top of my head who can dish it out but can't take it. lol Its too funnee. It would be nice if people could be honest with the people they care about but some people never really listen, they just make excuses or deny deny deny so its useless. You just gotta live and let live and in the end realize that most of it is so trivial even though IT CAN BE ANNOYING AS HELL!! lolol