Saturday, February 21, 2009


hate [heyt]
verb, hat-ed, hat-ing, noun
-verb (used with object)
1. to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry.

Do we shake the haters off or entertain them by showing our envy towards them?

Do you show hatred towards someone you consider a friend just because that person has done something you have long awaited to do? Or do you congratulate them on their accomplishment because you are genuinely happy for them?  We all have a jealous side and that's normal, but allowing it to show is when the problem occurs. Let's all try a little harder to keep that jealousy buried within and keep smiling! 

I have a friend who is always smiling. She is always happy and I don't think I have ever seen her not smiling. Recently I was looking for an angry photo of her for a project I was working on and I honestly could not find one. I told her every single photo I have of her, whether it's a shot she posed for or a candid one where she was caught off guard, she is smiling. Those are the people we should have surrounding us daily....happy and positive people. Hatred is very negative and we should try hard to avoid negative situations and negative people. If you have someone in your life who is always complaining about something and always seems to have negative things to say about something or someone, turn that negative energy around by offering them something positive as a response. I guarantee they will either begin to agree with you and turn their attitude around or they will leave you alone because they see no matter what they say, you will not join them in their negativity. You know what they say...misery loves company. I don't know about you, but I'd rather have the company of the happy people around me daily. Life is too short to go around mad, complaining and hating on people on a regular basis.

I'm just saying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! @ this statement! "If you have someone in your life who is always complaining about something and always seems to have negative things to say about something or someone, turn that negative energy around by offering them something positive as a response. I guarantee they will either begin to agree with you and turn their attitude around or they will leave you alone because they see no matter what they say, you will not join them in their negativity. You know what they say...misery loves company."

I believe this wholeheartedly and I wish more people would do this. If people wouldn't cosign and feed into the negative energy of one negative hateful person, that person would have to stop talking about negative stuff or redirect their energy elsewhere.
Prayer can change everything and when we pray to create change in 'ourselves' then we see the most profound change of all.