Monday, January 5, 2009


It's 2009 and time for change. I have always been a stickler for change and don't adapt too well when things stay the same. So, one change I'm going to make for this year is to call my pet peeves splinters because they get under my skin just like a splinter.

To kick this year off, I have a splinter that is really deep under my skin and I can't seem to grasp, even with the most pointed pair of tweezers. That splinter is when I email someone and within that email, several questions are asked, only to have them respond back answering the very last question. Why do I have to number my questions in order to get a response to everything? I mean, this happens more often than not and it really aggravates me, so I'm putting it out there for those of you who do this. Now you know how much it irritates me and if you're reading this and don't know if you're one of those 99 out of 100 people, more than likely you are. It irritates me moreso when clients do it. How can you try to conduct business and ask your client a list of pertinent things regarding their design that they wanted yesterday, only to have them respond back with "Thanks!"?? WTH?? I asked you specific questions! That is not an answer!

Get it together for oh-nine people because we learned basics like this in elementary school. I guess most of you weren't paying attention.

Boss Lady


TxBrnSuggaa said...

Boss Lady,
I love how you label your irks "splinters". If I might identify one (of my many spinters) that I'm hoping folks will improve on for the new year. First, understand that I am a praying person. I believe in the Holy Trinity and I know where my blessings flow. With that said, I want folks to stop sending me spiritual chain letters that promote blessings if I comply with the stipulations identified and curses if I simply fail to react appropriately. Now, if my memory serves me correctly, chain letters are not identified in the Bible. So, since many of the chains letters were simply that, I am asking people to help me remove my splinter from my fingers and buttocks and refrain from emailing me chain letters.

Anonymous said...

I don't know Eltoncia but I agree with her!! I hate spiritual emails that require that you forward it on to a certain number of people to receive your blessing OR try to guilt you into forwarding it on by saying "delete this if you don't believe".
If there's a good message in an email like that, I usually go in and delete the "foward to X amount of people" line and then send it on. lol
PS Roh Six. lolol I probably have put a splinter in your azz with that not answering everything in the email deal...I'm not aware of it but hell as cute as I am, I'm not perfect so its possible I've done that. lololol
Sowwie...Whore! lololol

Gemini said...

I love both of your comments and in case you didn't know, I too, hate those emails! As I tell some of my friends, "The chain stops here!", I mean that. When I get those text messages or emails, I click the delete button and don't think twice because those messages do not define if someone is a Christian or not, nor will it define where your eternal resting place is.

Eltoncia, your comment has been appreciated by many of my friends who have read it and emailed me saying WOW! She said exactly what I was thinking! And Cayenne, you already know you're special...calling me out of my name and all. I told you the other day what my name is. LOL! I like Roh Six and now that you mention it, you may very well be one of those splinters who don't respond to all questions, but because you're not consistently getting under my skin with that one, I let it slide. You have a free pass for the rest of 2009. :)