As we all know, the holiday season is fastly approaching and the main question everyone wants to know is, have you been naughty or nice? I'll answer first...I've been both naughty and nice. I'll tell you how I've been nice, but how I've been naughty will remain confidential between me, Santa and my journal. (insert sneaky laugh)
I've been nice by simply trying to do everything I can possibly do to please everyone else. I've been nice by giving discounts on design work to people for the months of November and December. I've been nice by not kicking someone's ass who needed it kicked. I've been nice by refraining from cursing someone out who most definately deserved it. I've also been nice by holding my tongue when I should be outspoken and tell certain people they're riding my coat tails all the way to the big dance and trust me, I am not as stupid as you look. Last but not least, I've been extremely nice not to throw things back into people's faces when they know they deserve it. Instead, I'm going to continue to be nice enough to pray that they receive their karma in due time. LOL!!!!!!!
I ask Santa to please bring me nice gifts since I've been so nice to everyone else this year. lol
You are really good a blogging. I know I'll always find something interesting to read when I visit your blog. lol
I've been sooooo nice! Man, but I'm sick of it! I wanna be skrait ignant and tell Santa to kiss my entire ass cuz can't no gift be better that finally letting the shyt fly and getting it off my chest! lololol
But my tender Christian side always makes me turn the other cheek. Dass getting old though.
F&*K being nice! Every1 you are nice to won't get you anything on Christmas, not even a phone call! So be nice to yourself and buy a Aston Martin Rapide
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