Have you ever forwarded an email to people, only to get responses back asking you where on earth did you get that email, as if you are the creator of the email? Did they not see the letters "FWD" in the subject line, or did you remove those letters to make it appear as if you sent it, only to regret ever doing that in the first place?
This happens to me quite often and I get irritated sometimes (who am I kidding, I get irritated most of the time). I try to chalk it up to people being email illiterate and not understanding the whole concept of forwarding, but then again, I feel that most of these people actually believe the person who sent them the email is the one who created it. Unbelievable!
A certain family member of mine, who shall remain nameless, is kind of goofy, or shall I say, "slow" when it comes to understanding the whole concept of emailing (replying, forwarding, etc) and has often either sent me the same email I sent to her, forwarded an email to me that someone else had already sent to both of us and she didn’t notice my name on the original email or she simply responded back to me asking where did I get that email from because it was too funny??!?!! Here is how I respond to those crazy emails....When I get the responses asking where did I get that email from, I usually respond back saying "Uhm...it was forwarded to me", while I'm thinking HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE??? Or I click the button to send it to my favorite file folder....TRASH!
This happens to me quite often and I get irritated sometimes (who am I kidding, I get irritated most of the time). I try to chalk it up to people being email illiterate and not understanding the whole concept of forwarding, but then again, I feel that most of these people actually believe the person who sent them the email is the one who created it. Unbelievable!
A certain family member of mine, who shall remain nameless, is kind of goofy, or shall I say, "slow" when it comes to understanding the whole concept of emailing (replying, forwarding, etc) and has often either sent me the same email I sent to her, forwarded an email to me that someone else had already sent to both of us and she didn’t notice my name on the original email or she simply responded back to me asking where did I get that email from because it was too funny??!?!! Here is how I respond to those crazy emails....When I get the responses asking where did I get that email from, I usually respond back saying "Uhm...it was forwarded to me", while I'm thinking HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE??? Or I click the button to send it to my favorite file folder....TRASH!
All I have to say is I shake my head daily and most likely delete those emails without bothering to respond because if I responded back trying to explain, I’d end up stabbing myself in the neck with a plastic knife. So, if you've never gotten a response back from me after you asked me a stupid question as stated above, now you know why.
1 comment:
I have a co-worker who does that. I'll send her something and she'll ask who sent me that email or where I got it from...as if she knows ANY of my friends and family. My question is...what difference does it make? Unless its newsworthy and I want to voyage out to a site to check out the facts for myself, I never ask where the email came from. durrrr...
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