Happy New Year!!!!!!!!! It's a brand new year and time for those dreadful resolutions that no one keeps past February.
My sis sent me a text last night with a great slogan that I told her I was going to steal for my blog. She said go ahead, so here it is...Family Time in Oh Nine! I loved it and from this day forward, this will be my slogan for 2009. I always choose a slogan or song as my theme for the year (a few years ago it was "No More Drama" by Mary J. Blige). This year, I plan to spend more time with my family (those I can tolerate more than 5 minutes) and just have fun. Less stress is always the best, so if I don't stress myself out by trying to be there for everyone else, I should be good. Since my family is so understanding (NOT! and you know who you are), I should be good for 364 more days of seeing them and not having them flake out on me for only visiting 5 minutes at a time. :)
What are your New Year's Resolutions for 2009?
Happy New Year!
The only resolution I have (that will continue on for the rest of my life) is to finally put me first. I'm so excited to see the things I'll do and accomplish due to this decision! : )
I love your resolution! Trust, I have done the same thing year after year, but this year I'm resorting to calling my resolutions "goals" so that I am actually inclined to follow through with them. Good luck with yours!!
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